New board member spotlight: Jessica Gellerstedt

The Atlanta-Fulton Public Library Foundation welcomes Jessica Gellerstedt to our Board of Directors. 

“I am so honored to serve with the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library Foundation, and I look forward to finding ways to pay our local libraries the tribute they deserve. At no other place in the city can you observe a child getting lost in their imagination during story time, while young adults study, and truly any resident is welcome to feed their curiosity amongst the many platforms our world has to offer. ”   – Jessica Gellerstedt


Jessica Gellerstedt holds a bachelor’s degree in special education from Georgia College and State University and a master’s degree in Integrated Curriculum from American College of Education. She spent eleven years as a special educator in Gwinnett County and Atlanta Public Schools and spent the last four years teaching and developing culturally responsive literacy content for DREW Charter School in East Atlanta.

Jessica is deeply committed to fostering a love of literacy before children begin attending school, understanding that exposure to books, language, and literacy activities during these critical developmental years lays the foundation for lifelong success. A Kirkwood resident, she is currently taking a break from the classroom to stay home with her two young children while remaining active in the community.